fredag den 2. december 2016


It can also be made from other milks, but that is less common. Shaped similar to a provolone in pear shape, it is available in many . Free delivery - TCs apply. It is pear shaped due to a production method called “strangling the cheese ”, . Scamozza” translates to “beheaded.

But it should –– this is a cheese that restaurant owners should take a hard look at. We import a range of artisan cheeses. A uniquely shaped cheese from Southern Italy, traditionally smoked over beechwood to add a delicate sweet note to its . It is made throughout Apulia, and in some parts of Campania and Molise.

The creativity of our master cheese-makers brought about a line of spun-paste products that are entirely handmade, to thus obtain a product with a . For the production of provola, smoked scamorza and white scamorza cheese, the milk, which is collected in the pastures of the Monte Poro area, is pasteurized . Provola affumicata Abbasciano Go to our datasheets. Shortly aged cow milk stretched paste cheese, light yellow in color and with a peculiar taste.

It is a typical product from Campania, recognised by the . In Italy, during the traditional ripening process the cheese is hung giving scamorza its name, . Scamorza Abbasciano Go to our datasheets. Category: fresh pasta filata cheese. Ingredients: fresh buffalo milk and salt. Available weights: 500gr (lb), . La cotoletta di zucchine e scamorza , è uno sfizioso antipasto da gustare caldo: polpettine schiacciate di zucchine e scamorza cotte in padella.

Il nome deriva dalla sua forma, simile a una testa mozzata. This is a handmade cheese, similar to . This produces a sweet caramelised . Find it — or any sort of mozzarella or . Slice and enjoy on cheese plates, melt on sandwiches or pan fry for a crispy treat. Mild buttery flavor with an elastic texture when young, becoming smooth and dense in texture as it ages. This cheese is hung on ropes to age, . This stretched curd treasure is smoked for a very balanced flavor. Only the most genuine ingredients, only the best Italian milk!

Carbohydrates g (g sugar).

Nutritional facts per 1g. Italian smoked pasta filata cheese, obtained from pasteurized cow milk. While living with Priest Don Gianni in Tuscany we meet the Martino family, who makes their own scamorza cheese every week. Fior di Latte is the ring leader in our notoriously Italian family of Pasta Filata style cheeses, also known as“stretched-curd.

Back -formation from scamozzare.

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